Thursday, July 21, 2011

Where the Bonner mentality leads:

Two items:

1. Here is the crux of Bonner's "Daily Reckoning" post today: He would like to see the U.S. default on its debt, because he wants to see what happens to all the "zombies" when they "run out of meat." Who, you may ask, are the "zombies"? Why, they're all those millions upon millions among us who, spurred on by the banking "industry" and its minions in the federal government -- and driven to it by falling real wages over the decades as "industry" leaders in collaboration with those same "bankers" and federal officials outsourced American industry and its jobs -- have mortgage and/or consumer debt.

2. From the same source on which I found Bonner's latest charming piece [Lew Rockwell's libertarian site], I found this, which, if you have had trouble believing me about the core anti-democratic outlook of these people, should finally do it: Well, damn, this blog service won't let me "paste" what I want you to see, so please go to and in Books look for and read the customer review of one Hans-Hermann Hoppe's Democracy: The God That Failed: The Economics and Politics of Monarchy, Democracy, and Natural Order. What, you may ask, does the fellow mean by "natural order"? Why, of course, "...[the] condition known by many other names too, including anarcho-capitalism and individualist or free-market capitalism." I have tried repeatedly to get people to see that fundamentally these "free market" types are in fact anarchists; now they are willing -- proud! -- to state it out loud.

F.A. Hayek, that pillar of "the Austrian School," was nothing like this. Some of you may recall that I have explained that the title of his best-known book (and his masterpiece), The Road to Serfdom, should actually have been A Road to Serfdom , because socialism --which is of course what Hayek had in mind -- is paralleled as a road to serfdom by the ideology of "free market" capitalism as it slides into anarchy and thus gives rise once again to out-and-out feudalism. Make no mistake about it: That is what these freaks want and lust for.

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